Sabtu, 26 November 2011

Metode Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris

Pada hari sabtu tanggal 26 November 2011 KKG telah mengadakan kegiatan rutin yang bertempat di SDN Adiwerna 01. Acara berfokus membicarakan teknik pengajaran Bahasa Inggris di Kelas dengan pemandu Bapak Imam Subekti,SPd. Sebelum acara inti Ketua KKG Bapak Himawan Rosyidi,SPd  memberi sambutan tentang pentingnya pembuatan rencana harian dan pembuatan RPP sebelum guru mengajar di kelas dan juga menjelaskan materi KKM. Berikut suasana interaktif pemandu dan anggota kkg dalam pertemuan tersebut.

Rabu, 23 November 2011

Undangan KKG

Adiwerna,24 Nopember 2011

Kepada Yth
Bapak/Ibu Guru Mulok Bahasa Inggris SD
UPTD Dikpora Adiwerna
Se kecamatan Adiwerna

Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb
Dengan Hormat,
Dimohon kehadiran Bapak/ Ibu pada pertemuan yang dilaksanakan Pada :

Hari/Tanggal : Sabtu,26 November 2011
Jam              : 09.30 - Selesai
Tempat         : SDN Adiwerna 01
Acara           : Kegiatan rutin KKG
                     Materi : Metode pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris di Kelas
                     Pemandu : Sdr Imam Subekti,SPd Guru Bahasa Inggris SD IT Budi mulia Adiwerna.

Demikian pemberitahuan dari kami atas perhatinnya kami ucapkan terimakasih.

Wassalamualaikum WR.Wb

Ketua KKG Bahasa Inggris
UPTD Dikpora Kec Adiwerna

NIP.19740214 199903 1005

1.Kepala UPTD Dikpora Adiwerna
2.Pengawas TK/SD Adiwerna
3.Kepala SD Kec Adiwerna

Rabu, 12 Oktober 2011


Ketika kau tak sanggup melangkah 
Hilang arah dalam kesendirian 
Tiada mentari bagai malam yang kelam 
Tiada tempat intuk berlabuh 

Bertahun terus berharap
Allah selalu disisimu

Insya Allah,Insya Allah
Insya Allah ada jalan
Insya Allah,Insya Allah
Insya Allah ada jalan

Every time you commite one more mistake
You feel you cant repeat and that it's way too late
You're so confused wrong decisions you have made
Have your mind and your heart is full of shame

But don't despair and never lose hope
Cause Allah is always by your side

Insya Allah,Insya Allah Insya
Allah you'll find a way
Insya Allah,Insya Allah
Insya Allah ada jalan
Turn to Allah He's never far away
Put your trust in Him,raise your hands and pray

Oh ya Allah tuntun langkahku di jalanmu
Hanya engkaulah pelitaku
Tuntun aku di jalanmu selamanya

Insya Allah,Insya Allah
Insya Allah we'll find our way
Insya Allah,Insya Allah
Insya Allah we'll find our way

Insya Allah,Insya Allah
Insya Allah we'll find our way
Insya Allah,Insya Allah
Insya Allah we'll find our way

Senin, 10 Oktober 2011

Alladin and the Wonderful Lamp

Alladin was a poor boy. He worked for a rich man in a city. His job was polishing old lamp and old things. He did his job diligently and honestly. One day when Alladin was doing his job,he saw a group of procession passed on in front of the house where he worked. That procession was from a palace.Joined the procession were the princess and soldiers of the palace. The princess was beautiful. Aladin was impressed and wanted to marry her. Alladin came to the palace and told his desire to the king frankly,but the king rejected Aladdin proposal because he came from a poor family. On the other day,when Alladin was polishing a unique lamp,a magnification thing happened. A lamp of smoke came out from the lamp. After some time the smoke changed into a big and stange creature magicly. Aladdin was surprised. The creature was a smart Jinny. He would help Aladin whenever he asked to Jinny would be a servant for Aladdin. Aladdin told his wishes and wanted to marry the princes. Jinny practiced his power to help Aladin, his bis. He jugled his magic power into a big number of gold. Then Aladdin took the gold to the palace and told his wish to marry the princess. The king accepted Aladin's proposal because he was a rich boy.

Rabu, 05 Oktober 2011


Theme : Animal

You have a bog belly
When you're walking 
you look funny 
Those feet are so small
But you're good at playing
with a ball 

Meet my horse Jack
It's big and I'ts black
It looks fierce outside
But it's tame inside

Like the lion that roars loudly
I say one.....two....three....
Like the bird that chirps
I say A...B....C

The horse is dancing gracefully
The lion is stepping carefully
The bird is chirping loudly
All three are having a party

Theme: Our Earth

We take water from the Earth
We take oil from the Earth
We take plants from the Earth
Have we done something for our Earth

I plant trees in my garden
The Earth smiles at me
I save the use of electricty
The Earth smiles at me
I make the air dirty
The Earth weeps on me

Don't turn on the TV longer
Don't throw the garbage into the river
Don't leave the light on when you go to bed
Or the Earth will turn red

Minggu, 02 Oktober 2011


There are two articles : A ( or An ) and The
A or An is called the Indefinite Article and The is called Definite Article.
Use of the Definite Article
The Definite Article " THE " is used
1. When we speak of a particular person or thing,or one already referred to :as
-The book you lent me is very interesting.
2. When a singular noun is meant to represent a whole class,as
-The rose is the sweetest of all flowers
3.With names of gulfs,rivers,sea,oceans,group of islands and mountain-ranges;as
-The persian Gulf
-The Read Sea
-The British Isles
4. Before the names of certain book;as
-The Ramayana
5.Before common nouns which are names of things unique of their kind;as
-The sun, The earth,etc
6. Before a Proper noun only when it is qualified by an adjective;as,
-The great Caesar
7. With superlatives;as
-This is the best book of English Grammer
8. With ordinals;as
-The second section of this book is difficul to understand
9. Before musical instruments;as
-He played the guitar very beautifully.
10. Before an adjectife when the noun is understood;as
-The rich should help the poor.

Selasa, 20 September 2011


Prepositions may be arranged in the following classes :
1. Simple Preosition
2. Compound Prepositions
3. Phrase Prepositions
     According to,Along with, Away from,Agreeably to, In front of,In order to,In favour of, In place of,
     Because of,By means of, By reason of, By way of,For the sake of,In reference to,In spite of, Instead of,
     On account of,With a view to,In comparison to,In consequence of,and etc
Notes :
Several woed are used sometimes as ADVERBS and sometimes as PREPOSITIONS. A word is preposition
when it governs a noun or pronoun. It is an adverb when it does not.
Lets us move on
I could come before
Go,and run about
I have not seen him since
The wheel came off
The book lies on the table
I came the day before yesterday
Dont think about it
I have lived here since2011
 The driver jumped off the car

Foto Sang Juara Speech Contest Beserta Guru Pendamping.

Sabtu, 10 September 2011

Kinds of tenses

1. Present Continuous
We use the present continuous when we talk abaout something which is happening at the time of speaking :
- Please dont make so much noise, I'm studying. ( not I study )
- Where is Margaret ? She is having a bath. ( not she has )
- Lets go out now. It isnt raining any more.
We also use the present continuous when we talk about something which is happening around the time of speaking,but not necessarily exactly at the time of speaking. Study this example situation :
-Rudi and Wati are talking and drinking in a cafe. Rudi says : I'm rading an interesting book at the moment. I'll lend it to you when I've finished it.
Rudi is not reading the book at the time of speaking. He means that he has begun the book and hasnt finished it yet. He is in the middle of reading it. Here are some more examples.
- Silvia is learning English at the moment. (not learns )
-Have you heard about Tom? He is building his own house. (not builds).
We often use the present continuous when we talk about a period around the present.
For examples : - You're working hard today. yes,I have a lot to do.
                       - Budi isnt playing football this seasion. He wants to concentrate on his studies.
We use the present continuous when we talk about changing situations:
- The population of the world is rising very fast.
- Is your English getting better ? ( not does ....get )
2. Present Simple
We use the present simple to talk about thing in general. We are not thinking only about the present. We use it to say that something happen all the time or repeatedly, or that something is true in general. It is not important whether the action is happening at the time speaking:
- The earth goes round the sun.
- Nurses look after patients in hospital.
- In Britain most of the shop close at 5.30 p.m.
We use the present simple when we say how often we do things :
- I get up at 8 o'clock every morning. ( not 'am getting )
- How often do you go to the dentist ?
- Susy doesnt often drink tea.
3. Present Perfect ( I have done )
We form the present perfect with have/has + the past participle. The pas participle often ends in -ed (opened,decided ) but many important verbs are irregular (lost,written,done etc )
When we use the present perfect there is a connection with the present.
- I've lost my key.
- Jim has gone to Canada.
- Oh dear,I've forgotten her name.
- Have you washed your hair?
We often use the present perfect to give new information or to announce arecent happening.
-I've lost my key.Can you help me look for it ?
-Do you know about Jim? He's gone to Canada.
You can use the present perfect with already to say that something has happened sooner than expeceted.
4.Present Perfect continuous.
We use the present perfect continuous when we talk about an action ( quite a long action)which began in the past and has recently stopped or just stopped. Here are some example
- you are out of breath. Have you been running?
- That man over there isbright red. I think he's been sunbathing.
We also use the present perfect contiuous to ask or say how long something has been happening. This time the action or situation began in the past and is still happening or has just stopped.
You can also use the present perfect continuous ( with how long,for and since ) for action repeated over a period of time.
- She has been playing tennis since she was eight.
- How long have you been smoking ?
5. Past perfect ( I had done )
We form the past perfect with had + the past participle (gone/opened/written etc ). For irregular past participle.
Sometimes we talk about something that happened in the past.
- I arrived at the party.
We use the past perfect to say that something had already happened before this time.
-When I arrived at the party,Tom had already gone home.

Sabtu, 27 Agustus 2011


Sabtu,23 April 2011 Panitia lomba peserta didik tahun 2011 seksi lomba Bahasa Inggris SD dengan didukung oleh UPTD Dikpora Kecamatan Adiwerna Kabupaten Tegal. mengadakan lomba " Speech Contest Cmpetition For Elementary School " tingkat kecamatan Adiwerna.  Acara dibuka oleh Bapak Mochammad Ridlo,S.Ag  Pengawas TK/SD/SDLB atas nama kepala UPTD Dikpora Kecamatan Adiwerna. Kegiatan tersebut diselenggarakan dengan tujuan untuk : 1. Meningkatkan pengetahuan dan ketrampilan berbahasa Inggris dikalangan siswa. 2. Upaya aktualisasi pengembangan potensi berbahasa Inggris dikalangan siswa.
Kegiatan tersebut diikuti oleh 66 siswa SD/MI se kecamatan Adiwerna.  Susunan Panitia lomba kegiatan Speech Contest sebagai berikut :
1. Ketua  Panitia : Himawan Rosyidi,SPd.
2. Wakil ketua : Carnoto,SPd
3. Sekretaris : Lynda Budiarti,SPd dan Eliza,SPd
4. Bendahara : Indah Fujiati,SPd dan Titik Agustina,SPd
5. Sie Acara : Carnoto,SPd dan Umi Etikawanti,SPd
6. Juri Lomba : Dedi Ardianto,S.Sos,Bambang Budiyono,SPd,Kurniaji Subiyanto,SPd,M Mulyadi,SPd, Zuhri,SPd ,dan Fitriyah Yuliani,SPd.
7. Sie Dekorasi : Mila Murgiyanto,SPd, Ruslani,SPd, Nurohman,S.PdI dan Faizin,SPd.SD

 Juri lomba speech sedang serius menilai peserta lomba Speech Contest

 Bapak Bambang Budiyono,SPd memberikan hadiah Tropi Juara Harapan 3

 Sambutan Bapak Sugono,SPd Pengawas TK/SD kepada para juara lomba Speech Contest

 Bapak Carnoto,SPd menjelaskan teknis pelaksanaan Lomba Speech Contest

 Sambutan sekaligus pembukaan lomba Speech Contest oleh Bapak Mochammad Ridlo,SAg
Pengawas TK/SD Kecamatan Adiwerna

 Antusiasme peserta lomba Speech Contest dalam mengikuti Lomba.

 Para Juara Lomba dengan bahagia bersiap-siap menerima Tropi Hadiah.

 Sambutan Ketua Panitia Lomba Speech Contest Bapak Himawan Rosyidi,SPd

 Salah satu peserta menampilkan kebolehanya dalam berpidato.

  Ibu Umi Etikawanti,SPd membacakan susunan acara lomba

 Tropi juara Harapan II diberikan oleh Bapak Dedi Ardianto,S.Sos

7. Sie Dekorasi : Mila Murgiyanto,SPd, Ruslani,SPd, Nurohman,S.PdI dan Faizin,SPd.SD
Tanggal dan Tempat Peaksanaan Lomba :  23 April 2011 di SDSN Adiwerna 01.
Adapun Hasil lomba Speech Contest Sebagai berikut :
1. Juara I Annisa Salsabila ( SD Negeri Pagiyanten 01 )
2. Juara II Intan Nursyahbana ( SD Islam Terpadu Budi Mulia Adiwerna )
3. Juara III Yustika Amaliah ( SD Negeri Penarukan 02 )
4. Juara Harapan I Riris Arfianti ( SD Negeri Kedungsukun 01 )
5. Juara Harapan II M Zulfa Rizki ( SD Negeri Tembok Banjaran 03 )
6. Juara Harapan III Muhammad Sufi Ali ( SD Negeri Pecangakan )

Jumat, 26 Agustus 2011


Dalam rangka menyambut hari Pendidikan Nasional ( Hardiknas ) tahun 2010 Panitia lomba bahasa Inggris SD/MI UPTD Dikpora Kecamatan Adiwerna menyelenggarakan Reading Contest For Elementary School Tahun 2010 pada tanggal 8 April 2010 yang di selenggarakan di SDSN Adiwerna 01 yang merupakan Sekolah Berstandar Nasional di Kecamatan Adiwerna Kabupaten Tegal.. Panitia lomba bahasa Inggris  SD/MI tingkat kecamatan Adiwerna di ketuai oleh Bapak Himawan Rosyidi,SPd yang juga aktif sebagai ketua KKG Bahasa Inggris SD Adiwerna. Ada 3 tujuan diselenggarakanya lomba reading contest SD/MI yaitu : 1. Memupuk dan menumbuh kembangkan budaya baca khususnya literatur berbahasa inggris yang sudah mulai tumbuh pada anak -anak khususnya siswa SD/MI. 2. Mendekatkan anak-anak dengan dunia ilmu pengetahuan melalui bacaan berbahasa Inggris 3. Mendorong anak-anak untuk belajar aktif dengan menggunakan bahasa Inggris sesuai dengan tingkat usia. Pada lomba reading contest kali ini memperebutkan tropi hadiah untuk memperebutkan juara I,II,III,juara harapan I,II dan III. Lomba reading contest kali ini diikuti oleh 66 peserta dari siswa SD/MI di kecamatan Adiwerna.
Berikut adalah Pemenang lomba reading Contest Tahun 2010 kecamatan Adiwerna.
Juara I Anggun Widyalestari peserta dari SD Negeri Harjosari Kidul 1, Juara II Aldena Cinka NP SD Negeri Adiwerna 01, Juara III Muhammad Benny F SD Negeri Tb Banjaran 02, Juara Harapan I  Amabel Hadi Soewono SDN Adiwerna 03, Juara Harapan II Tiara Febriani SDN Pagedangan 02 dan Juara Harapan III Mia Nurjazila SDN Tembok Banjaran 01.
Berikut Keterangan galleri foto Reading Contest
1. Ketua Panitia memberikan sambutan pelaksanaan lomba reading contest 2010.
2. Kepala UPTD Dikpora Adiwerna beserta segenap pengawas TK/SD,Penilik sekolah.
3. kaDrs Mahdi Wiyono Kepala UPTD Dikpora Adiwerna memberikan sambutan seligus membuka kegiatan lomba.
4. Anggun Wudya Lestari salah satu peserta lomba menampilkan kebolehanya didalam lomba tersebut.
5. Panitia memberikan pengarahan tekhnis jalanya lomba.
6. Dua juri sedang memberikan penilaian terhadap peserta lomba.
7. Foto bersama pemenang juara lomba reading contest dengan panitia lomba.
8. Tropi hadiah dan penyerahan hadiah tropi oleh bapak Himawan Rosyidi,SPd.

Peserta lomba sedang menampilkan kebolehanya dalam lomba reading.

Panitia memberikan pengarahan teknik lomba reading 2010
Dewan juri dengan serius dan teliti memberikan penilaian terhadap penampilan setiap peserta lomba.

Para juara dengan wajah berseri-seri berpose bersama panitia seksi lomba bahasa Inggris Hardiknas Kecamatan Adiwerna Tahun 2010

Penyerahan hadiah Tropi juara I,II dan III oleh Bapak Himawan Rosyidi,SPd